Quick Gambling Life Post/Question

Some day, someone with eons of time and a super computer needs to to compile the historical data on games like this.   Games where the instant you hear the line 85-90% of the betting universe will pick the same side, and importantly, its the only game on in that sport.  A game where a healthy team playing at home (doesnt mean as much at the moment I know) that has a better record, is playing a team in poor form; a game that is the only one in town and has a spread that will likely encourage action on the favorite.  I went to 4-5 different gambling sites and, of course, all of them have essentially the same 2-1 Everton predicted victory, and of course, cover.  Bottom-line question:  If this game happens mid-day on Saturday vs solo on a Monday afternoon/evening, is there a marked difference in outcome in relation to spread?  Is Southampton, historically, more likely to draw or win (cover) this match-up at this lonely time slot?