The Worst Day of the Year

It’s about 100 degrees outside and there are zero major sporting events going on.  0-2 in minor plays yesterday and I’m debating whether to count them on my record for the season.  I really, really want to take New England away to Colorado in MLS tonight, but I have a variable that is showing on my spreadsheet which is a big giant negative so I have to pass.  There’s no baseball tomorrow either for anyone wondering because a few years ago some teams started bitching and moaning that they only got three days off while other teams got four, so now everyone starts again on Friday and the World Series ends in November.  NFL win totals and futures are generally up everywhere, but I’ll leave that to Pat to cover as I haven’t read or looked at anything as I’ve been building all of these baseball and soccer models since January.  And by models I mean spreadsheets because that’s how I roll.