Thursday/Friday Links

Even my soccer lock of the week whiffed…Onto the links because at least they don’t cause me to set money on fire. I should just roll something smokable with a $20 and get it over with.

Bengals LT and Hard Knocks Man-Boob [NSFW] star Andre Smith apparently should have hired a better agent.

That shot by Federer explained.

Jake Long did not have a good day Sunday.

The Pats cheerleaders did.

Spend the five minutes to watch this. “If we’re all at peace with ourselves as much as he is, that’s pretty good.”

Best story of the week: Kid Cannabis

The only thing the drug kingpin formerly known as the Keebler Elf needed was a girlfriend. He found her, of course, at a strip club.

Per usual, the week two injury report from

Lastly, in case you thought crazy owners/fans were limited to Oakland, the Atlético Madrid owner’s call for ‘peace and tolerance’ has backfired spectacularly as fans revolt.

One thought on “Thursday/Friday Links”

  1. Great except here from the Kid Cannbis story:

    Buffy insists she had no idea of Nate’s true profession — “He told me he owned a snowplow business” — but she admits to being a longtime pothead. She once considered submitting a topless photograph of herself with a huge bud between her breasts to High Times. She used to refer to Spokane, where she lives, as “Spokompton” on bad days and “Spoke Vegas” on good ones. Now she simply refers to it as “Spokannabis.”

    With a stripper girlfriend, weapons and gratuitous bling, Nate’s transformation was nearly complete. “Oh, man, you wouldn’t believe it,” says Scuzz. “He started buying these stupid homey clothes, when he’s a white dude from Coeur D’Alene. And he got this crazy idea in his head that he was going to be a rapper. He got this little accent when he talked, and he’d always be freestyling in the car. That’s why you couldn’t help but like him. He’d do such stupid shit.”

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